Packages & Perks
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification




One participant
Two participant
Three participant
Four participant
Restricted areas on a web page: best practices
Access to reporting features for dispute resolution purposes+Newsletter & Slack monthly updates
Research and market data and Access to the membership directory
Direct assistance in dispute resolution with 3rd parties
Participation in government relations
Upon member’s approval
Upon member’s approval
Upon member’s approval
Submit feedback, topic, or request
Early disclosure of CSA guidelines+Participate in policies industry calls
Participate in discussions and pre-publication efforts
Recognition upon publication
(only updates calls & meetings)
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

Four participant
Participation in government relations
Upon member’s approval
Recognition upon publication
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

Three participant
Direct assistance in dispute resolution with 3rd parties
Upon member’s approval
Participate in discussions and pre-publication efforts
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

Two participant
Research and market data and Access to the membership directory
Upon member’s approval
Early disclosure of CSA guidelines+Participate in policies industry calls
Packages & Perks
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

One participant
Restricted areas on a web page: best practices
Access to reporting features for dispute resolution purposes+Newsletter & Slack monthly updates
Submit feedback, topic, or request
(only updates calls & meetings)

How do you pay and become a member
Now that you’ve got all the details, how do you execute?
Step 1.

Submit your application here
Step 2.

Expect to hear back from us within 14-21 processing days after reviewing your request
Step 3.

Make a one time or direct debit payments according to your selected plan, to the beneficiary details as will be sent to you
Step 4.

Attach your payment confirmation to your signed acknowledgment to
About the Membership program
It’s an annual membership program, from which you can benefit and have certain perks according to your choice.
The CSA is a non-profit organization operating for the benefit of its constituents and their consumers. As such, it has traditionally been sustained by said constituents’ support, funding and contributions. From 2021 onwards, CSA membership yearly plan is about to be instituted.
As long as such constituents see CSA as relevant and required for the benefit of their markets, consumers, better communication and certainty, it is expected of them to become members, subject to annual payment and actions. Apart from the monetary contribution, participation in the program is expected to drive action and extra effort in ensuring the proper operation and progress of the CSA.

Additional Types of Involvement
Subject to application process:
Funds ($500 And up)
Hosting events
Sharing meaningful knowledge
Taking an active part in CSA effort, program, events
The names of the company, logo and contribution will be published in the following channels:
The CSA website (which will be renovated using the funds and contributions), together with a short description of the company.
CSA social media channels (LinkedIn and Facebook at the moment).
CSA 2021 Annual Summit.
CSA Mailing List.

Those who are not willing to commit/not authorized for membership, but would like to show their support and contribution to the CSA, are also welcome to choose the one-time-fix amount alternative which stands on at least $5,000.
Subject to an approval process:
Platform, Hub, significant network
Market section advocacy body (TBD)
Large relevant network
The names of the company, logo and contribution will be published in the following channels:
The CSA website (which will be renovated using the funds and contributions), together with a short description of the company.
CSA social media channels (LinkedIn and Facebook at the moment).
CSA 2021 Annual Summit.
CSA Mailing List.

Those who are considered as CSA strategic partners.
You should apply for CSA membership of the CSA if:
You believe in the value the alliance brings to your organization, and to the market as a whole
You recognize and identified with the goals and objectives of the CSA
You would like to be associated with the CSA, take part in its activities, and help with pushing forward a continues, meaningful active contribution
You want to see the CSA growing, and functioning as a proper organization which brings value and impact to its members and constituents
You seek to drive change and impact within the markets and eco-system in which your business operates
You care about creating compliant products and providing value to your consumers
You like to ahead of the game and get insights into the market rules, policies, and guidelines
You would like to get access to other complaint companies, similarly to you, driven by compliant, valuable and sustainable business models
Do not become a member of the CSA if:
You’re not planning to abide by the CSA standards and best practices
You do not believe in or identified with the CSA efforts
You don’t wish to be part of the CSA, not even as an observer or conference attendees.
Your business is involved in bad practices
Simply because a non-profit org cannot survive on volunteering efforts for a long-term period.
In the bottom line, the CSA membership program will allow us to keep developing and upgrade our growing community, which will be benefited from impact, services and essential information regarding our rapidly changing markets.
Submitting an application form
Compliance with CSA Guidelines
The applicant’s product has a website (information/ disclosures)
The applicant products is not labeled as malware
Post-Application Approval
Signing a membership contract
Submitting a compliance attestation form
Payment of membership fees
During Evaluation and Approval Process
Member Validation
Track Record and General Behavior Member
Online Meeting
As written, the Clean Software Alliance has been organized as a trade association to promote practices and conduct which are in the best interests of the consumer, and to engage in advocacy both for the industry as a whole, and for its individual participants.
As such, the CSA’s membership policy is as follows:
You should apply for CSA membership of the CSA if:
The Advisory Board shall be responsible for determining whether an applicant
Is committed to fostering a better, more sustainable downloadable software industry for all stakeholders, with particular emphasis on consumers.
The Advisory Board shall consider, among other factors, the applicant’s history of product marketing, monetization, and general business practices
Members will be required to have a history of ethical conduct and compliance with industry best practices.
Factors which may be used to refuse membership may include, but are not limited to, prior regulatory, civil, or criminal decisions that reflect poorly on an applicant and any history of poor ratings from accepted rating services, like the Better Business Bureau.
Members are required to pay annual membership dues, as determined by the Advisory Board from time to time
Consistent with the CSA’s Bylaws, the Advisory Board shall evaluate whether an applicant for participation meets the criteria identified above. Applications can be approved, rejected, or held pending the receipt of additional information about the applicant. Additionally, CSA Members failing to maintain their adherence to the Membership Policy may be removed from the CSA.

CSA’s Transparency
We would like to put our hands where our mouth is, so, subject to the amounts will be raised, the funds will be used for the following purposes:
The CSA annual summit (2021). CSA holds its annual (and other events) free of charge to its participants, however, including all perks, benefits and fun.
A CSA website – Design, Launch and maintenance of a functioning and updated website with news, updates and events.
A Full-time admin/ops employee to handle CSA day-to-day matters (even to process and handle this supporting program)
A part-time/service provider to drive operation and getting things done, to manage and facilitate communication and engagement
Maintenance and corporate costs. Including updating CSA terms, Privacy Policies, and other legal docs.
Additional and future events to bring all CSA constituents together for additional productive meetings and sessions.
Packages & Perks
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification




One participant
Two participant
Three participant
Four participant
Restricted areas on a web page: best practices
Access to reporting features for dispute resolution purposes+Newsletter & Slack monthly updates
Research and market data and Access to the membership directory
Direct assistance in dispute resolution with 3rd parties
Participation in government relations
Upon member’s approval
Upon member’s approval
Upon member’s approval
Submit feedback, topic, or request
Early disclosure of CSA guidelines+Participate in policies industry calls
Participate in discussions and pre-publication efforts
Recognition upon publication
(only updates calls & meetings)
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

Four participant
Participation in government relations
Upon member’s approval
Recognition upon publication
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

Three participant
Direct assistance in dispute resolution with 3rd parties
Upon member’s approval
Participate in discussions and pre-publication efforts
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

Two participant
Research and market data and Access to the membership directory
Upon member’s approval
Early disclosure of CSA guidelines+Participate in policies industry calls
Packages & Perks
Yearly payment
Conference – Gratis attendance
Conferences – Recognition (opening and closing notes, invitation and email communications)
Conferences- Opening reception & name badges
CSA Operation & Communication
Voting rights
Guidelines & Policies
Content / Webinars / Q&A
Forums, Task Forces, Working Groups
CSA Certification

One participant
Restricted areas on a web page: best practices
Access to reporting features for dispute resolution purposes+Newsletter & Slack monthly updates
Submit feedback, topic, or request
(only updates calls & meetings)

How do you pay and become a member
Now that you’ve got all the details, how do you execute?
Step 1.

Submit your application here
Step 2.

Expect to hear back from us within 14-21 processing days after reviewing your request
Step 3.

Make a one time or direct debit payments according to your selected plan, to the beneficiary details as will be sent to you
Step 4.

Attach your payment confirmation to your signed acknowledgment to