Just a few weeks ago we held our Launch! Conference in Prague. The turnout was very impressive, with well over 100 industry members participating from all parts of our ecosystem. Those in attendance contributed greatly through thoughtful and engaged participation.
During the Launch Conference we talked through certain provisions of the Official Draft Guidelines. We are very pleased to now publish these Draft Guidelines for the industry’s consideration. You may access the Official Draft Guidelines byclicking here. The period from now through December 31, 2015 will constitute a Commentary Period, during which we hope to receive feedback from the community. Following this Commentary Period will be a Reconciliation Period for up to 30 days. Upon conclusion of the Reconciliation Period we will publish the Official CSA Guidelines. All Guidelines comments should be submitted to info@cs-alliance.org.
Also discussed at the Launch Conference was the Early Supporter Program, which was initiated over the Summer when we met with attendees of Affiliate Summit East in New York. The Early Supporter Program represents a way for industry members to contribute to the CSA and help ensure it meets its funding needs during this period while we are finalizing our governance and membership structures. Two primary benefits of the program include eligibility to join sub-committees as they are formed, and eligibility to participate in pilot programs conducted by the CSA. Early Supporters will also be included in any list published by the CSA of its Early Supporters. In addition, your Early Supporter contribution ($10,000.00 min) will be deducted from future membership fees. While the Program was originally conceived as a limited one, with a maximum number of participants, we have decided to open it up for all interested parties due to the sheer volume of inquiries and overwhelming interest. The Early
Supporter Acknowledgement Form and payment details may be downloaded from here. With regards to sub-committees, we will be establishing sub-committees on a rolling, as-needed basis. We will message all Early Supporters in advance of a sub-committee’s formation to solicit volunteers for participation. We will then communicate the members of each sub-committee to the industry at large.
The first sub-committees will be established in the coming weeks, so Early Supporters should keep an eye out for updates.
It has been a long journey to get to this point, and the support we continue to enjoy from across the industry is tremendous. I and the entire Taskforce are extremely excited for what’s to come.
Adam Agensky CEO, Clean Software Alliance